giovedì 26 ottobre 2017


Albert Einstein was born on March 14,1879 in Germany .
He was a German mathematician and physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity.Albert Einstein died at University Medical Center on April 18,1955 at age of 76.


it is an international adaptive multi-sport event,created by Harry Rince.
The sport for example are wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball.
The first event is in 2014.

The meaning and history of my name and surname

My name is Eugenia and it was born from a semi-legendary 3rd-century saint .
Who escaped persecution by disguising herself as a man .
The name was occasionally found in England during the Middle ages, but it was not regularly used until the 19th century.
My surname is Palma and it is from Spanish,Portuguese and southern Italy.
It is derived from plants.

giovedì 12 ottobre 2017


Ice skating is a sport that takes up a lot of time and hard work.
People wear special shoes to skate on ice.
Some skaters take part in competitions and move to be professionals.

My zodiac sign: SCORPIO

Date range of  Scorpion are from October 23rd to November 21st.
His element is water.The quality is fixed.The colors are: violet,scarlet,red.
Day most important is Saturday and his ruler are Pluto and Mars.
He is a brave,passionate and a true friend.


The color pink represent compassion and love. Pink is female and romantic and intimate.
In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope and represents the sweetness and innocence of the child.


The word “globalization” means the network of connections between people, groups, companies and countries. Thanks to globalization the plane...